About Us

The Enslaved African Memorial Committee (EAMC) was established in 2015 by a group of concerned and dedicated Teaneck residents. The goal of the committee is to commemorate the history of the Africans that were victims of the transatlantic slave trade and who were forcibly and brutally brought to the Americas.
The history of their endurance, resilience, and resistance to enslavement made significant contributions to American history. The EAMC will build a memorial that serves to empower, enlighten, and educate the public and specifically young people and future generations about the continuum of the African American struggle for freedom.
The Enslaved African Memorial Committee proposes to erect a memorial to commemorate the history of the Africans that were enslaved in Bergen County and the surrounding areas of New Jersey. The aim of the Memorial is to preserve the history and honor the memory of those forgotten people, whose forced enslavement in America left a lasting legacy in building the nation.
EAMC Executive Board
Maude Oliver
Interim Chair
Dean Parker
Vice Chair
Ernest Wingate
Dr. Christopher Hall
Assistant to the Treasurer
Natacha Robert
Corresponding Secretary
Antonia Butler
Recording Secretary
Patricia King-Butler
Executive Director
EAMC General Committee Members
Zain Conteh
Joyce Giddens
Dee Ann Ipp
Akinde Hanna
Ramona Oliver
Carol Yorker
Johnathon Butler
Shayne Butler
Greg Oliver
Stephanie Mckee
Jayse Bradley
Adeline Robert
Johnnita Woods Parker
The memorial will be located in Teaneck, New Jersey and will be a key part of a Master Plan for four new Memorial sites that have been approved by Teaneck’s former Mayor Lizette Parker and the Township Council to be erected on the Municipal Green. The Green sits at the intersection of Teaneck Road and Cedar Lane, on the grounds of the Municipal Building and the Teaneck Public Library.
The plan will create a multi-cultural, exciting and enriching educational opportunity for everyone from the surrounding townships and attract visitors. We all have much to learn about the horrors and tragedies of the history of slavery in New Jersey and specifically in Bergen County; the largest slave holding county. We will also learn about the African Americans whose unwavering spirit and fight for freedom and equality endures to this day. This unique project will be supplemented with educational resources and exhibition space within the adjacent Teaneck Public Library.
These are pottery clay pots artifacts found at Gethesame Cemetery in Little Ferry, NJ that historian, Arnold Brown discovered. The cemetery was created in the 1800's and it was where enslaved African people were buried.